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['e(ə)rɪə] n
comp., MS ناحیه (" A part of the user interface dedicated to a particular purpose, such as "instant message area.")
 English thesaurus
area ['e(ə)rɪə] abbr.
abbr., construct. a.
mil., abbr. ar
mil., logist. Functional area within a logistic squad level point where the assets required to carry out a logistical task are gathered. (FRA)   ؛Regiment- or battalion-sized functional facility, component of a base or detachment, that provides a logistic support in a specific field. (FRA)
AREA ['e(ə)rɪə] abbr.
abbr. Area Bancshares Corporation   ؛American Railway Engineering Association   ؛American Railway Engineers Association
abbr., earth.sc. angle resolving energy analyzer   ؛Arctic Research in Environmental Acoustics
mil. Army reactor experimental area
tech. Army Reactor Area
AREAS abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. area resource analysis system
Area ['e(ə)rɪə] abbr.
abbr., fish.farm. developing land-based producer states likely to be most seriously affected by the production of minerals derived from the
: 19 phrases in 2 subjects

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